Instructions for Authors of Accepted Papers
Final, camera-ready are due by Tuesday, October 6, 2009, 5pm CST. Please email BuildSys Chairs with the PDF file as an attachment, with a subject line indicating the title and paper number. We will send you confirmation email to notify correct reception within 24 hours. |
Papers and abstracts must be formatted according to one of the following templates. Please ensure that they are formatted using US Letter format (8.5 inches wide by 11 inches tall).
Page limit: 6 pages.
The authors are required to complete the copyright form and fax it to +1 (204) 474-7609 as soon as possible.
LaTeX template (preferred)
Latex template are the same used for SenSys:
- LaTeX class file: sigplan-proc-varsize.cls
- Sample .tex file using the above class file: sensys09-sample-10pt.tex (PDF rendition here)
Note that the ACM category, subject descriptions, general terms and keywords must be included in all papers. The following sections are mandatory:
- Categories & Subject Descriptors (See the ACM Computing Classification Scheme:
- General Terms: This section is limited to the following 16 terms: Algorithms, Management, Measurement, Documentation, Performance, Design, Economics, Reliability, Experimentation, Security, Human Factors, Standardization, Languages, Theory, Legal Aspects, Verification.
- Keywords: This section is your choice of terms you would like to be indexed by.
These are created with the following LaTeX commands:
% A category with the three required fields \category{H.4}{Information Systems Applications}{Miscellaneous} % A category including the fourth, optional field follows... \category{D.2.8}{Software Engineering}{Metrics}[Complexity Measures, Performance Measures] \terms{Delphi Theory} \keywords{ACM Proceedings, \LaTeX, Text Tagging}
MS Word template
- Word document: sensys09-word-template.doc (PDF rendition here).
Copyright text to appear on the first page
The templates above includes a text to appear on the bottom left of the front page of each paper. LaTeX papers need to include the following lines before the \begin{document} command:
\conferenceinfo{BuildSys'09,} {November 3, 2009, Berkeley, CA, USA.} \CopyrightYear{2009} \crdata{978-1-60558-824-7}
Q: Can I group multiple affiliations in a single \sharedaffiliation command?
A: The default templates do not define a \sharedaffiliation command. Instead, define it in your .tex file, before the \author{} block, like this:
\def\sharedaffiliation{% \end{tabular} \begin{tabular}{c}}
Use it like this:
\numberofauthors{3} % Three authors sharing the same affiliation. \author{ \alignauthor A Sensor\\ \email{[email protected]} % \alignauthor B Embedded\\ \email{[email protected]} % \alignauthor C System\\ \email{[email protected]} % \sharedaffiliation \affaddr{Swedish Institute of Computer Science} \\ \affaddr{Box 1263, SE-164 29 Kista, Sweden} }
The above was originally prepared by Adam Dunkels of SICS, Sweden and modified by Antonio Ruzzelli of UCD, Ireland.